Dear Customer,
Our industry has been hit hard in these difficult Coronavirus times and that also applies to FestivalChairs. Despite the scale down of large events and even small business gatherings where our chairs have been most successful, we remain optimistic and inspired.
Various scientific studies* have shown that the Covid-19 virus has a much shorter life-span on cardboard compared to other materials like plastic and stainless steel. For a safe event, our sturdy cardboard stool comes in handy, also because it is easy to space the chairs at safe distances while still allowing an interesting event.
As Coronavirus restrictions slowly soften and we all return to the “new normal” when it comes to safer gatherings and events, we ask you to consider FestivalChairs for your event. It is not only safe and practical but also original and eye-catching.
Let us know if you want a quote or more information, we are happy to help you.
Tim Várdy
Founder FestivalChairs
* Studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine March 17, 2020, and in the The Lancet Microbe on April 2, 2020 .